Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Boston Barbeque

Walking home from work the other day, I detected a scent in the air that I've been waiting a long time to come back to me. One that the endless winter puts out with its icy fingers and it seems like it you will never smell it again. Barbeque. That smoky rich aroma rising above the trees and whispering, “summer is here” In Boston barbeque is appreciated not only because we know that there is only a designated amount of time that we will be able to do it but also it is the perfect complement to sports. What better way to entertain guests over for a baseball or football game then with some seriously awesome marinated steak tips or pork sausages grilled to perfection. I hear in other states, it is possible to smell a barbeque and drop in on your neighbors. Here the unspoken rule is that if you are not known or invited don't bother. Hey, I never said we were a friendly bunch. This is not an iron clad rule, just a little piece of the unspoken culture I've picked up so individuals could surprise you.

So called grill masters have their own special sauces and tricks to make a boston barbeque a perfect experience. Many create a lot of hype for themselves but in the end their “super secret pulled pork” or “special sauces” end up being a lot of hot air. Some genuinely have found a calling as grill master and to take them away from those glowing coals as they make sure everyone gets a little piece of the magic they create is sacrilege. There are a few restaurants here that do good barbeque. For a place that enjoys it so much, you'd think there would be more of them. There will always be places the locals swear by and by going there enough decide that it is the best. When the meat is served burned on a consistent basis, its not the best. Generally, time is your best friend and marinating overnight, a quality meat market, and an experienced hand are what will get you through. Here are some great tips so your next barbeque will be a winner.

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